what we feel4


“Human life is an optical illusion of consciousness” - Albert Einstein


    Albert Einstein is among the most highly regarded scientists in history although it will take some time to absorb all he concluded. Quotations such as the one above can be difficult to understand while we insist on perceiving separate solid objects as a reality. Accordingly, most folk have allowed the life-changing importance of Einstein’s statement to pass them by, thus far. It's not easily understood because commentators (firing limited knowledge at us) don’t allude to acknowledging that what we are is much greater than what shows up in the spectrum of light. Let’s try to change this dilemma.

    We’ve been helped hugely in our quest by scientific updates - particularly particle physics - allowing us to understand why the headline quotation is true. These days, sub atomic exploration - quantum mechanics - allows us to finally accept that solid matter is an illusion.

    What appears to be solid matter is space in which electrons dance around at differing vibration wavelengths, courtesy of the presence of invisible ‘bosons’. The Higgs Bosons are present in such quantity they’re like a thick fog, everywhere - not perceptible by our 5 senses or measuring instruments, because they don’t show up in light. But if they weren’t present, matter would not have mass; would not occur. So, there’s something greater behind the scenes - something electrically neutral but more durable and more permanent than stuff. -This background - the Higgs Bosons - captures the dancing electrons to provide an image, like a film show of holograms, which most of us perceive as real, when it isn’t. (Ref: Higgs Boson discovery announced 04.07.2012)

    It’s OK to be told these glaring facts but how can we grasp them easily, given that our senses bellow out, “hard matter is solid, can’t you feel it?” And, while we’re on the subject, if we uncover more of our dimensions - to reveal that solid matter isn’t real at all - can we benefit? We want to know what this body, and all that surrounds it, actually is, and why we are seemingly conscious human beings on Earth – and, accordingly, why do we never arrive at our projected idea of total satisfaction?

    To answer these two questions- we need to become confident that our presence here is 11-dimensional and not an unaccompanied 3-dimensional illusion.

    We can start a change in perspective by performing a very simple experiment to help dispel our doubts. It’s a practical ‘looking down’ at what we generally accept as lower dimensions:

    Examine an irregular cube, e.g. a box, and notice the cube has 6 flat sides. Each side of a cube is generally accepted as being constructed of two dimensions (length and width). This applies to every solid object even if its outer surfaces are not flat or square.

    We ask ourselves, “can a two-dimensional shape have thickness?” The answer is obvious. If what looks like two dimensions (because it’s very thin) has any thickness at all, it’s made of three dimensions and not two, isn’t it? We therefore reflect that we can’t take a slice off the face of the cube unless it has thickness. Conjointly, if a shape has no thickness there would be no shape and thus no existence at all (compared to the three-dimensional perspective). We conclude there's no such thing as two-dimensional anything. That’s the whole exercise.

    [You can do this, alternatively, with the page of a book. Take any piece of paper in your hand and look at it as if it's a two-dimensional object; then reflect that the page still has thickness so it is three-dimensional. If you take the thickness away you have nothing at all even though you previously imagined something could be two-dimensional].

    To recap, the two-dimensional shape is an idea within 3-dimensional existence. Two-dimensional perception has no presence whatsoever as a standalone reality although it appears to be present. The greater reality is three dimensions.

    In other words, the two-dimensional imagination needs the third dimension to make it viable. The same applies to the three-dimensional imagination. It needs the fourth dimension (bosons) to make it viable.

    We can mull over this truth again and again. Pondering upon it, in relation to the next dimension (4th), can lead us to the heart of ourselves, beyond the restrictions of this illusion. Acknowledging that the 4th dimensional particles are present is a huge help to us, in de-restricting our extremely limited consciousness.

    Moreover, by thinking this through we begin to see how limited reality appears within the wholeness of existence. Whole-dimensional experience is 11 dimensions. That’s the scientific number given, to date, so we’ll use this number for the time being. Each sphere of dimensions, from 1 dimension up to 10 dimensions, is at best a ‘relative-ness’ - an idea - in respect of the next dimension 'up'. None of the dimensions 1 to 10 are standalone realities.

    Here we come to the crux of this subject. All dimensions are consciousness. Moreover, all dimensional imaginations lead to one final reality; whole consciousness.

    Consciousness is nothing else but understanding; our perception; what we allow ourselves to think. Individuality is not solid matter, it’s a bundle of electrons acting in an individual way, causing an experience, directing itself to gather or jettison knowledge. Each individual consciousness chooses to restrict itself to lower dimensional limitation or to expand itself. As Mr Einstein also said, " Everything is energy and that's all; match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality." This means greater consciousness can be brought into perception at any time.

    The final piece of the jigsaw fits into place by acknowledging that science has to deal in numbers, for identification. But, as we find by opening up to our greater-ness, all higher dimensions of existence are sensed as greater degrees of truth. What exists isn’t numbers of dimensions all; neither is it airy-fairy states of 'other spheres' of existence. Truth graduates from distorted consciousness to whole consciousness. All of it is here and now, not somewhere else. We simply limit our perception because of the limitedness we are taught as children.

    At the eleventh dimension - actuality or whole understanding - there is nothing but one-ness; one consciousness. And that’s what each of us is; pure consciousness; the wholeness of all; non-separate. Eminent physicists (Hawking et al) describe it as the ‘boundary-less infinity’. It’s inside our bodies and all around us, without limitation and without separation. Our 3-dimensional experience is bundle of electrons forming an individual intelligence, which throttles itself by means of self-imposed constrictions, mainly caused by fear (of what’s referred to as the unknown). But our whole self really is here, closer than our eyelids are to our eyes, accessible whenever we wish to advantage ourselves of it.

    Are the advantages of greater consciousness obvious? Again, go back to what we think of as two dimensions. Imagine living in that sphere, bumping around like a dodgem car (without height), refusing to acknowledge that a third dimension gives you the advantage of height. You’d be hanging on to the 2-dimensional consciousness unable to grasp the advantage of looking / stepping over things or seeing into the distance. This resistance to knowledge would be caused inadvertently by a closed mind, attached to the falsity of self-imposed limits. That is, until you tested the greater understanding of another dimension for yourself.

    In the same way, the fourth dimension might not seem particularly attractive to us because we habitually relate solely to separate pieces of material. The bosons of the fourth dimension aren’t measurable or visible from our restricted viewpoint but they’re definitely present; it’s a certainty.  Birds, for example, use them, as their navigation signals and possibly a lot of (instinctive) nature does too. But we humans don't bother in the current state of our thinking, generally, in this materialistic era. Thus, mankind mostly misses out on the advantages available because of the obsession with stuff, distance and time. Einstein mentioned this repeatedly.

    We can open up to the 4th dimension particles - the ‘vibrations’ we often temporarily feel - to enormous benefit. We often sense things without using the mind. There’s no reason whatsoever we can’t expand this so that life becomes more based on vibrations than ‘things’.

    By stilling the mind and letting go of the idea, “I am a person called so & so, living at such & such, working at xyz, and my limitations are the boundaries and strength of my human body,” we can start aligning ourselves with a truer nature of our consciousness. Then our more relevant and more powerful dimensions start to become knowable and useable. ‘Drop fear and drop the idea’ is a stanza depicting the opening of the heart; not the physical organ but the whole nature of us.

    In a strangulating spiral, the mind’s egoic activity forms an effective barrier to whole consciousness by reinforcing the idea that our other dimensions are futile and of no use. However, we can now be confident, because of scientific certainty, this is simply not true. Our multi-dimensions are us. And we can move away from the perfidiousness of the ego whenever we choose.

“If quantum mechanics hasn't profoundly shocked you, you haven't understood it yet. Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.” 

-Niels Bhor, esteemed Nobel Prize 20th century physicist.

“There is no you and I, no path and no journey.” – Gururaj Ananda Yogi, teacher of truth