Teachers and accredited teachers we know are active teaching Gururaj's techniques are included on this page
Laurie Elliott - Ancient Wisdom Meditation - (Champneys Health Centre and 30 miles Radius of Tring & Aylesbury, U.K.) 01296 625392
The Holistic Centre (Andrew Woodhouse BSc hons Ost). North West UK. Andrew is also a highly recommended osteopath, we know folk have travelled hundreds of miles to be treated by him. If he's not teaching currently Andrew will recommend another accredited teacher. 0151 336 6222
The Meditation Class (Vanessa Garland), Wirral - 0151 648 2992
Irish Meditation Society, Dublin 0035 31 4904313
The Meditation Centre in Dent UK (North of England) (0797) 3989831
UKMeditation.com (London) 07779 922836
FISU.org (London based - centres around the UK and abroad)
Gururajananda.com (links to all)
IFSU.org (links to all)